Currently I'm:
Reading: Young House Love, by John & Sherry Petersik.
Ordering: These super cute mint skinny jeans from Ann Taylor Loft
Listening to: Mumford and Sons Pandora. Kills it every time!
Drinking: like my 15th glass of water today
Recovering from: Thursday, in general. Woof.
Hitting my head for: Not knowing who is in the Super Bowl this year.
Avoiding: Joining this Vine business. I have too much social media to keep up with as it is!
Eating: Cutie's! These are so freaking delish.
Planning: What all I need to pack for my Disney work trip next week
Debating: Why I decided to follow Jenelle from Teem Mom on Twitter.
Laughing at: the above photo
Getting yelled at for: Ain't no one yellin at me!
Reminding myself of: the fact that Panda Express isn't in my diet plan. merp.